Sunday 1 December 2013

Love and Trust

Everyone loves to be loved . but who did really love you with all his/her heart? did you trust him/her when they said so? it's all about trust. i do learn something this lately. you didn't need a love. all you have to own is trust and respect.

few years being together doesn't prove that he/she love you. they might be cheat you. that's the reason why people always said that action speaks louder than words. 

none relationship works without trust. so we do. 

hengkooo ingat tak sedih ke lepas dah together setahun tapi last-last dah mcm biasa-biasa cuma sebab kepercayaan dah kurang. once you promised, you have to fulfill it. dont break your promises. when you promise to love her/him. do so.  when you promise to share eveything to each other, let him/her know what is going on. suspicious between each others might ruin your relationship. when you promise to not having a conversation with another boy/girl . dont lie!

beauty is not the reason for you to take something for granted. beauty is not the reason to betray your love by finding someone much better than your current partner. beauty is not the reason to being social with everyone else. girls, do appreciate what you have. a loyal boyfriend is hard to find, once you get in your lifetime, you wont found them anymore .

dear alfian hardy bin abdul halim...

i'm sorry

the one is only you.

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